这部分是为申请资助的在读学生准备的. 如果你是未来的学生,请到 学费 & 财政援助组 申请截止日期和政策. 你必须在入学前申请经济资助.
住房 & 援助
Each student has the right to request a review of her financial aid award any time there has been a significant change in family circumstances, 或者原始申请表上的信息不准确. 请使用下面的申请审核表格.
检讨由学生财务服务检讨委员会进行. 在大多数情况下,委员会的决定是最终的.
当审查中的问题需要对策略进行例外处理时, 比如64学分规则, 学生可以要求由财政援助上诉委员会审查.
The 金融援助 Appeals Committee is chaired by the vice president of enrollment and includes one member of the faculty, 教务长和主管. 学生金融服务主任是该委员会的无投票权成员.
学生必须以书面形式提出申诉. 委员会将尽快考虑上诉. It generally takes one to two weeks for the committee to convene and review the appeal. A decision will be given to the student in writing within 48 hours after the appeal is heard. 上诉委员会的决定在所有情况下都是最终的.